Title: Star Catcher Rating: G Characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam Genre: Friendship Summary: A time-traveling mishap will make two children and a fledgling realize that the unexpected can sometimes be a good thing.
Title: Impressive at the Time Rating: G Characters: Castiel and Michael Genre: Humor, family Summary: Tag to 6x20 - Castiel's first ever act of disobedience.
Title: The Little Gray Fish Rating: G Characters: Castiel (plus "mystery" older brother) Genre: Family, and maybe a bit of humor? Summary: Tag to 6x20 - A fledgling marvels at his Father's work... albeit through unusual ways.
Title: New Arrival Rating: G Pairings: John/Loki (Gabriel) Warnings: pre-series, baby fic, no mpreg Summary: Loki has left John with a precious bundle.
Title: Aztec Gold Author: Misssc Rating: G Genre and/or Pairing: Gabriel/Sam, mpreg Spoilers: Through season 5, I guess. Warnings: mpreg Word Count: ~2307 Summary: Sam’s encounter with a little old woman changes his life forever.